tough conditions

美 [tʌf kənˈdɪʃnz]英 [tʌf kənˈdɪʃnz]
  • 艰苦的条件
tough conditionstough conditions
  1. It 's a really important day for us as we have been kidnapped for nine months in tough conditions but now we are free .


  2. That means tough conditions for the eurozone as a whole .


  3. Be able to work under tough conditions ; Sometime has to work overtime ;


  4. Financial services companies and particularly banks and investment banks were already facing tough conditions in 2007 .


  5. They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future .


  6. It can play a useful role if it retains the power to set its own tough conditions .


  7. Rock climbing is all about , well , climbing-and in very tough conditions .


  8. Roustabouts routinely work 12-hour shifts in tough conditions , it said .


  9. So he again tough conditions for Palestinian statehood .


  10. The Adamo faces tough conditions .


  11. Industrial Ethernet is not just a buzzword but rather a term for the use of Ethernet components with high reliability in tough conditions .


  12. The Ministry has imposed tough conditions on the project to limit its ecological damage and compensate those people whose livelihoods will be affected .


  13. But Bosnians concluded that , even when the EU sets tough conditions , political expediency will find a way round them .


  14. The major sticking point has been how closely Greece is prepared to abide by the tough conditions underpinning its bailout loans .


  15. However , most analysts believe the court will rule in favour but impose tough conditions that would restrict the Berlin government 's manoeuvring room .


  16. In a twist of the knife , the amendment also set tough conditions for getting rid of Alvarez & Marsal .


  17. Even teams like Grizzlies , Clippers , Heats or Bobcats offer tough conditions for AI , low salary and substitute .


  18. Chinese antitrust authorities showed further willingness to use new powers to probe global deals by imposing tough conditions in clearing two high-profile mergers and acquisitions .


  19. But Chancellor Merkel insisted on tough conditions , Greece would only get help as a last resort if it can no longer borrow from financial market .


  20. Nonwoven oil sorbents offer structurally important characteristics of small pore structures and the strength which enables the sorbent materials to be used in some tough conditions .


  21. Koeslag notes that the flower is a symbol of resilience because of its ability to survive tough conditions , including wild fires .


  22. The mining depth has exceeded 1000m . The seam belongs to high burst liability item with three tough conditions including hard roof , hard coal seam and hard floor .


  23. About 50 percent of gyms , which offer just a few value-added services , are facing tough conditions due to a limited number of customers , according to industry insiders .


  24. But some US observers say China is not setting the same tough conditions for the north to return to the six-party talks as are the US , Japan and South Korea .


  25. So countries such as Spain and Italy would have to endure the stigma of applying to the IMF – and submitting to tough conditions - to get the money .


  26. But , in spite of the tough conditions , there are no signs yet that mills are defaulting on iron ore shipments , according to analysts and industry executives .


  27. Hanoi , which has been negotiating entry since 1995 , has accepted tough conditions as the price of joining the world trade club and the more favourable trade terms offered to members .


  28. Successive Pakistani governments signed up for loan programmes with the IMF in the 1990s but failed to end any of them successfully , mainly because of their failure to meet tough conditions .


  29. Despite high interest rates , short loan period and tough conditions , usury was yet able to stand still in the financial change , which is a social and economic phenomenon worthy of detailed investigation and study .


  30. But it is widely acknowledged that , in practice , the system benefits industries such as food processing , construction and garment and electrical manufacturing shunned by homegrown workers because of low wages and tough conditions .
